Battle of the Fandoms: Season 3, Finals
All groups:
Sorting Challenge
1.A-ReadySetGozer Finished
2.A-FinalFrontier Finished
3.A-Hey You Guys Finished
4.B-TheLastBattle Finished
5.B-Po-Tay-TOES Finished
6.B-Witch, Please Finished
7.C-Super Green Finished
8.C-WantToBelieve Finished
9.C-Scrooge You Finished
10.D-Ruh Roh Finished
11.D-DastardlyMutt Finished
12.D-Farsquad Finished
Until the Very End
1.A-ReadySetGozer 5397.0 miles
2.A-Hey You Guys 5152.6 miles
3.A-FinalFrontier 5043.4 miles
4.B-TheLastBattle 4427.3 miles
5.B-Po-Tay-TOES 4291.7 miles
6.B-Witch, Please 3860.3 miles
7.C-Super Green 3807.4 miles
8.C-WantToBelieve 3610.3 miles
9.D-Ruh Roh 3309.5 miles
10.C-Scrooge You 3216.7 miles
11.D-DastardlyMutt 2865.4 miles
12.D-Farsquad 2271.7 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Runners (792)
1.Gingerjack 165.0 miles
2.CaptainData 165.0 miles
3.PureBloodPrince 165.0 miles
4.CaitasaurusRex 165.0 miles
5.QuiltyQuibbler 165.0 miles
6.LadyGranger 165.0 miles
7.DarkPuff-B 165.0 miles
8.DinoSalt 165.0 miles
9.Fieryfae 165.0 miles
10.argon_initially 165.0 miles
11.QueenofHaartz 165.0 miles
12.Pod227 165.0 miles
13.AlienLizzie 165.0 miles
14.RavenclawNerd 165.0 miles
15.GryffinKeeper 165.0 miles
16.Riabininohadros 165.0 miles
17.Mysterika 165.0 miles
18.SuperMamaU 165.0 miles
19.CountryPuff 165.0 miles
20.ProfessoRex 165.0 miles
21.VillainClaw 165.0 miles
22.ChaosAsh 165.0 miles
23.Leizard 165.0 miles
24.ChaosTheory 165.0 miles
25.CaptCopperBones 165.0 miles
26.BittySteps 165.0 miles
27.Nirvana 165.0 miles
28.Aeoneth 165.0 miles
29.Gofur 165.0 miles
30.Fussganger 165.0 miles
31.MixingUpMiles 165.0 miles
32.Cat_Woman 165.0 miles
33.PippinAintEasy 165.0 miles
34.SummerMai 165.0 miles
35.CriticalStroll 165.0 miles
36.Megan.R 165.0 miles
37.WickedSlytherin 165.0 miles
38.PoodlePowered 165.0 miles
39.NifflersMama 165.0 miles
40.TriviaServedHot 165.0 miles
41.Knightofni 165.0 miles
42.PeggyPie 165.0 miles
43.Xanthippe 165.0 miles
44.DaddyZuuL 165.0 miles
45.Gryfindonculous 165.0 miles
46.REBECCAAAAAAAAA 165.0 miles
47.Jensgoingham 165.0 miles
48.TazUKLion-C 165.0 miles
49.AMLoki 165.0 miles
50.Lizerdoo 165.0 miles
see more...
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Vancouver, British Columbia
- To: Point Roberts, Washington
- Start date: June 10, 2022
- End date: June 20, 2022
- 12:00 EST
- 11:59 EST
- Route distance: 1,200 miles
- Total logged: 47,253.3 miles
Twelve Fandoms Enter. All Will Run. One Will Win.
The "Battle of the Fandoms: Season 3, Finals" event for Fandom Running Club is finally here and this one is going to be EPIC! Fans of Ghostbusters, Goonies, X-Files, Star Trek, Fifth Element, LoTR, Narnia, Wizard of Oz, Shrek, Scooby Doo, Hanna-Barbera, and Ducktales have earned their place in the final battle.
Whether you are running, walking or cheering, we're thrilled to have you join us!
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting, please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please!
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
The "Battle of the Fandoms: Season 3, Finals" event for Fandom Running Club is finally here and this one is going to be EPIC! Fans of Ghostbusters, Goonies, X-Files, Star Trek, Fifth Element, LoTR, Narnia, Wizard of Oz, Shrek, Scooby Doo, Hanna-Barbera, and Ducktales have earned their place in the final battle.
Whether you are running, walking or cheering, we're thrilled to have you join us!
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting, please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please!
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.