CRC Racery Road Trip!
Fundraising ($3,153.20 raised)
Top groups:
1.#chiltonrunningclub 22 racers × $47.43 avg = $1,043.37
2.#potterheadrunningclub 7 racers × $53.74 avg = $376.16
3.#fandomrunningclub 5 racers × $71.33 avg = $356.66
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Top fundraisers:
1.Mandy Finstad $338.26
2.Kimmi Kroot $312.26
3.Amanda Bethencourt $309.60
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Top contributors:
1.Anonymous $200
2.Amanda Bethencourt $100
3.Kimmi Kroot $100
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Top team fundraisers:
1.Emily's DARmy $1,503.98
2.ParisChitKicker $686.98
3.PattysSuperstar $561.98
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Latest contributions:
PattysSuperstar June 1, 2018
PattysSuperstar May 31, 2018
Emily's DARmy May 27, 2018
PattysSuperstar May 25, 2018
Gnomenators May 25, 2018
PattysSuperstar May 24, 2018
$100 from Anonymous
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All groups:
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1.#chiltonrunningclub 22 racers × 35.5 avg = 782 miles
2.#hogwartsrunningclub 16 racers × 35.6 avg = 569 miles
3.#hrc 13 racers × 32.8 avg = 426 miles
4.#crc 11 racers × 34.5 avg = 380 miles
5.#2021frc 10 racers × 37.7 avg = 377 miles
6.#2021crc 10 racers × 37.6 avg = 376 miles
7.#phrc 11 racers × 33.5 avg = 368 miles
8.#2021phrc 9 racers × 38.8 avg = 350 miles
9.#2021phrchufflepuff 5 racers × 55.9 avg = 280 miles
10.#2021wrc 7 racers × 37.2 avg = 260 miles
11.#frc 8 racers × 28.4 avg = 227 miles
12.#wrc 10 racers × 22.3 avg = 223 miles
13.#lionsrtw 5 racers × 36.5 avg = 183 miles
14.#2021wrccompanions 4 racers × 44.7 avg = 179 miles
15.#gryffindor 4 racers × 43.6 avg = 174 miles
16.#2021phrcgryffindor 4 racers × 40.8 avg = 163 miles
17.#hufflepuff 6 racers × 26.9 avg = 162 miles
18.#onehrc 3 racers × 52.7 avg = 158 miles
19.#potterheadrunningclub 7 racers × 21.5 avg = 150 miles
20.#fansruntheworld2021 4 racers × 31.7 avg = 127 miles
21.#chupas 2 racers × 61.3 avg = 123 miles
22.#fanthropyrunningclub 4 racers × 26.9 avg = 108 miles
23.#whovianrunningclub 6 racers × 17.8 avg = 107 miles
24.#fandomrunningclub 5 racers × 21.1 avg = 105 miles
25.#babettesgnomenators 2 racers × 45.3 avg = 91 miles
26.#hpa 2 racers × 44.8 avg = 90 miles
27.#2021wrcvillains 3 racers × 27.0 avg = 81 miles
28.#onephrc 2 racers × 38.0 avg = 76 miles
29.#slytherin 4 racers × 18.6 avg = 74 miles
30.#crcroadtrip 3 racers × 24.3 avg = 73 miles
31.#2022frc 2 racers × 31.7 avg = 63 miles
32.#2022phrc 2 racers × 31.7 avg = 63 miles
33.#2022wrc 2 racers × 31.7 avg = 63 miles
34.#2021gryffindor 2 racers × 28.8 avg = 58 miles
35.#pattyssuperstar 2 racers × 28.3 avg = 57 miles
36.#fanthropy 2 racers × 28.1 avg = 56 miles
37.#huffletuff 2 racers × 27.3 avg = 55 miles
38.#rti 2 racers × 27.2 avg = 54 miles
39.#emilysdarmy 2 racers × 27.0 avg = 54 miles
40.#expectopatrorun 2 racers × 26.3 avg = 53 miles
41.#hrcgryffindor18 2 racers × 25.1 avg = 50 miles
42.#wrcteamtimelords 2 racers × 23.7 avg = 47 miles
43.#fiendfyre 2 racers × 22.4 avg = 45 miles
44.#parischitkickers 2 racers × 19.4 avg = 39 miles
45.#phrcravenclaw 2 racers × 14.8 avg = 30 miles
46.#wrccompanions 2 racers × 14.8 avg = 30 miles
47.#hrchufflepuff 2 racers × 13.6 avg = 27 miles
48.#onyourleft 2 racers × 11.2 avg = 22 miles
1.Emily's DARmy Finished
2.ParisChitKicker Finished
3.Gnomenators Finished
4.PattysSuperstar Finished
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Runners (140)
1.OfficerSlobber 150.0 miles
2.SneakySlinky 130.0 miles
3.HufflePond-B 110.0 miles
4.Muggle_Bubba 100.0 miles
5.llamalove 94.1 miles
6.CopperBoom 92.2 miles
7.Reikirunner 91.3 miles
8.Tri-Puff 90.3 miles
9.Laura75 80.0 miles
10.GlitterWitch 79.3 miles
11.FueledByCoffee 75.9 miles
12.zaggirl 75.6 miles
13.StaciG 67.0 miles
14.ShortStuff 65.0 miles
15.HeidiV 63.6 miles
16.ShainaC 63.3 miles
17.Lizerdoo 63.0 miles
18.Fallen_Gypsy 59.1 miles
19.Hstavenger 57.7 miles
20.areed 54.1 miles
21.Sthurm 54.1 miles
22.Pippi 52.1 miles
23.Avocados_at_Law 51.9 miles
24.LitengLunasaur 51.5 miles
25.krooton 51.2 miles
26.foxyrunner 51.1 miles
27.iHardtCoffee 48.6 miles
28.JMarfitt 47.4 miles
29.Seph 47.4 miles
30.jenn8r 47.0 miles
31.cupcaker 47.0 miles
32.Catticorn 44.9 miles
33.daisycutter 43.2 miles
34.Linz 42.3 miles
35.CallMeHippis 41.7 miles
36.GypsySoulWander 40.2 miles
37.rundowndreams 39.8 miles
38.AmberC 39.6 miles
39.WFarm08 39.0 miles
40.Pepsishot 38.7 miles
41.CaptainJack 38.5 miles
42.CathRUN 38.2 miles
43.MandyFinstad 37.4 miles
44.WaywardasChit 37.3 miles
45.Melisande 37.3 miles
46.KimMoo 37.0 miles
47.Magniftycent 36.8 miles
48.SmallishSnek 36.0 miles
49.ASP 35.4 miles
50.CheerLion 34.4 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: CRC Headquarters
- To: Yale University
- Start date: May 24, 2018
- End date: June 2, 2018
- 12:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 1,084 miles
- Total logged: 4,631.5 miles
It’s time to take a little road trip around New England!
This 10-day event will involve four teams completing in a 1,084-mile twisting, rambling course that starts at CRC HQ in Guilford and ends at the campus of Yale University in New Haven, CT (of course!). Your team will run through the picturesque landscape of all SIX New England States, highlighting Kent, CT (the location of Gilmore Girls Fan Fest), downtown Hartford, all four New England Ivy League Schools, Sam Adams Brewery, Fenway Park, Boston Common, Plymouth (be sure to look out for the HUGE Plymouth Rock!), Salem, Kennebunkport Maine, and Mount Washington!
Since this year has been all about empowered women empowering women, our four teams honor the four amazing women we’ve celebrated this year: Emily Gilmore, Paris Geller, Babette Dell, and Ms. Patty LaCosta.
Your friends and family will be able to support our 2017/8 Charity Partners by donating to your team!
Whether you are running, walking or cheering, we're thrilled to have you join us!
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting, please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please!
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
This 10-day event will involve four teams completing in a 1,084-mile twisting, rambling course that starts at CRC HQ in Guilford and ends at the campus of Yale University in New Haven, CT (of course!). Your team will run through the picturesque landscape of all SIX New England States, highlighting Kent, CT (the location of Gilmore Girls Fan Fest), downtown Hartford, all four New England Ivy League Schools, Sam Adams Brewery, Fenway Park, Boston Common, Plymouth (be sure to look out for the HUGE Plymouth Rock!), Salem, Kennebunkport Maine, and Mount Washington!
Since this year has been all about empowered women empowering women, our four teams honor the four amazing women we’ve celebrated this year: Emily Gilmore, Paris Geller, Babette Dell, and Ms. Patty LaCosta.
Your friends and family will be able to support our 2017/8 Charity Partners by donating to your team!
Whether you are running, walking or cheering, we're thrilled to have you join us!
Racer guidelines: We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy tips.
• No step counting, please use intentional miles
• Only walking/running miles please!
• Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days
• Please do not backdate mileage
• Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.